Operation Theater

An operating theater, also known as an operating room (OR), is a specialized room in a hospital or medical facility where surgical procedures are performed. The design and layout of an operating theater is carefully planned to provide a sterile environment for surgical procedures, and to ensure the safety and comfort of patients and medical staff.

Some common features of an operating theater include:

  • Sterilization: The operating theater is designed to maintain a sterile environment, which is essential for preventing infection and ensuring patient safety.
  • Surgical equipment: The theater is equipped with specialized surgical equipment, such as surgical lights, anesthesia machines, and surgical instruments.
  • Air filtration system: The theater is equipped with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration system, which filters the air to remove bacteria and other contaminants.
  • Monitoring equipment: The theater is equipped with monitoring equipment to measure the patient's vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation.
  • Communication system: The theater is equipped with a communication system to allow medical staff to communicate with each other during the surgical procedure.
  • Recovery room: An adjacent recovery room is typically provided for patients to recover from the surgical procedure.

Overall, the operating theater is a critical component of any hospital or medical facility that performs surgical procedures. The careful design and layout of the theater, along with the specialized equipment and facilities provided, help ensure the safety and success of surgical procedures.